How to get unstuck when you feel stuck in life

Have you ever felt stuck in life to the point where you thought you had no options? I know I have. There was a time when I felt I was alone in a sea of nothingness. In every direction I looked, there seemed to be a void. I had dreams, but no direction. But I’m here to tell you that just because you “feel” you have no options doesn’t mean you don’t. Sure, they may be subtle, but with a little attention – you can find them if you look hard enough.

 Here’s how to get unstuck when you feel stuck in life:

 Get out of your head

Many times, the reason we feel stuck is because we are thinking too much. Thoughts like, “I don’t know what to do.” Or “nothing is happening for me.” Or worse, “I can’t do anything.” These are thoughts that get you stuck. Instead of dwelling on what you think you can’t do, try thinking about what you CAN do. Don’t allow yourself to overthink something – it will only confuse or keep you from progressing. Instead, look outside of yourself. What can you do to enhance or change your situation?


Do something small until you can get to the big stuff

I once had dreams I thought I couldn’t attain because I had an illness. Everything around me seemed to be telling me that I couldn’t. I felt I couldn’t move forward into bigger dreams. I had the mentality of “I can’t because of my situation.” In reality, I wanted the big stuff now and then. But everything takes time. So, in the meantime, I began by recognizing what I COULD do then and there. I took a step and did the smallest thing first because that’s all that was in front of me. And that was to begin by cleaning my home. Sounds insignificant right? But that little thing led me to realize other things were possible too. Shortly after, I gained the strength and confidence to enroll in college again. The truth is that that one action made me see that other actions were achievable.  


Keep your eyes open

Pay attention to the little things you can do to progress. In my case, it was to clean. But maybe you are in a home you don’t want to be in. Start by researching new places to live or enhance where you currently live. Or maybe, you want to lose weight. Start with small home exercises. Maybe your goal is to go back to school. Start researching what you want to study or what school you want to attend. Look around you and find what you CAN do. Even if you don’t see how one thing ties into another, do SOMETHING. Don’t close your eyes to possibilities – even if they seem small or insignificant in comparison to your bigger dreams.


Keep dreaming

There’s something about dreaming that motivates us. Never think that just because you are in a place that looks very different from where you want to be that the dream isn’t possible. If you have a dream; keep it alive. Don’t allow yourself to lose hope. Dream big or small. But keep dreaming.



Choose Happiness


Every day is a gift